Welcome to Brunei's own Car Boot Sales site!

This is the place where you can find car boot and garage sales announcements. You can also share your information and experience with us or others. We invite participants who wish to sell or buy items to announce them on this blog.

Please join us to help build this site into a car boot sale directory in Brunei. If you know of a car boot sale or a garage sale near you, let us know by sending an email or comment or call me at 8623909 / 8153909

Monday, March 17, 2008


I am really into recycling. I believe in it. I would save plastic bottles, aluminium tins, newspapers, used metals and papers and send them to a recycle centre nearby. I get paid for
1. Newspaper - 5cents per kg

2. Plastic bottles - 10cents per kg

3. Aluminium tins - $1.80 per kg

4. Metal tins - 3cents per kg

Recycling centre

Its just like selling our used items which we can let other people reuse them. Its another form of 'recycling'.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Used and new Items for sale

1. Baby Crib - Barely USED - $65.00
2. Baby Chair - USED - $50.00
3. Microwave Oven - USED - $40.00
4. Buttercup doll - USED - $5.00
5. CDs - USED - 50 cents each
6. Scarves - USED - ranging from 50 cents to $2.00